Old Faithful

The birthday party Saturday was a screaming good time. All the boys got along great. The only ugliness was that one of the boys crapped his pants. Twice. I think maybe that the awesomeness of the soda volcano was just too much for him to bear. As you can see, the eruption reached nearly ten spectacular feet. I'd like to send out a special thank you to Brian for the "hands next to face" surprised look, a la Macaulay Culkin in Home Alone. Click the picture to see full size.
Father's day was full of family fun. We all four went to the dog park in the morning. Then I biked out to the Le Sueur river on the Red Jacket trail, pulling Eli in the stroller. He loved standing on the bridge and looking down at the water and stuff. I had drag him off kicking and screaming. In the afternoon we got out the slip-n-slide and inflated the pool. Had fun spraying each other and the dog. Then for supper Jacob wanted to go to Taco Bell. On the way he says, "Hey, Taco Bell and Taco John's both start with the letter Taco!". That's my boy. They may as well just give him the Nobel prize now.
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