Cloud Cult - Again

Sandy and I are going to another Cloud Cult show this Friday. I can't wait! I'm so glad I got acquainted with their music. (Thanks Steve). It's not very often that you find music that makes you change your outlook on life. That's how powerful it is - to me at least. I suppose it's not for everyone. Everyone has their own musical preferences. Their lyrics are very personal and courageously open. I've tried to introduce some family and friends to them, with some success. My Mom said she likes them a lot. And Sandy loves them like I do. To me, the sharing of music one likes with others can be a strangely touchy area. I realize that listening to music is a personal thing and the last thing I want to do is to push my tastes onto someone else. Like, "You Must Like This". I hate it when others do that, with religion, politics, or whatever. But rather my position is this, "You know, I found something that I really enjoy. I want to share it with you because I care for you. I hope you might get the same enjoyment from it that I do." End of pitch. No pressure.
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