Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Ohio State

On Saturday, we were all watching the Ohio State vs Xavier basketball game. We love the March Madness. And Jacob, with his unconditional love of all sports, was watching too. He asks, "Mom, who's playing this game?" Sandy says, "It's Ohio State in the white and Xavier in the dark." Jacob picks his favorite, "I want whoever wins." He's stunningly accurate with his picks. Sandy says, "Xavier, I like that name. I think Xavier is one of the names we were considering when we named you. Jacob, how would you like to be called Xavier?" Jacob comes back with, "Mom, how would you like to be called Ohio State?"

Monday, March 12, 2007


Sandy and I were running some errands Saturday. We were walking through Target by the electronics department. You know how they have one or two game consoles out for customers to try? And usually there are a few kids playing there while Mom shops or whatever. Well today there was a gentleman about 35 years old there with his young son. The kid is watching while Dad plays a video game where you strum a plastic guitar and pretend you're in a rock bank. His kicking out the jams on Cheap Trick's "Surrender". I tell Sandy, "See, you're not married to the biggest dork in the world."

(Edit July 06, 2007)
Yeah, so I played this game at my sister's house when we went over for Hannah and Emma's birthday. And I admit - it is a fun game. But still, you will not find me playing it in Target while my offspring look on with sympathy.

Friday, March 09, 2007


When Jacob wants to say something he always starts with "Mom..." or "Dad...". It gets real old real fast. Yesterday Sandy said he was following her out to the van saying "Mom... Mom... Mom...". She finally said "Yes Jacob, what IS it?". He said, "Mom... just wait. I have to think of something to say to you." Crazy kid.
This morning he got into trouble. He was told by Sandy that he has to get ready for school before he can play. He said, "I'll do what I want. You do what you want." Ugh. Sandy put him on the stairs for a time-out. Next thing you know he off playing again. Sandy said time-out & no TV today. Next thing you know he's got the TV turned on again. Oh boy. So I sat him down to have a talk with him. I told him that Mom & Dad are the boss and he needs to do what we say. He said, "I know that". I told him that I was disappointed that he disobeyed. "I know that". Over and over he says that. Oh boy. I think we've got a power struggle brewing. Wish me luck.